from left to right: AyanamiChan as Rikku, Kupo-chan as Dagger, another
Dagger and Kuja. |
A very cool Beatrix and
Freya. And look behind
them, it's AyanamiChan
taking pictures of more
The only Cloud to which
I could say "STOP! Can
I have your picture?"
He also challenged
Sephy, too ^^.
Yet another Bandwagon
of FFX cosplayers.
From left to right:
Tidus, Lulu, and Yuna.
The only Freya I saw.
Boy, whoever's in there
has GOT to be hot...
Cool costume, though!
Irvine and Squall. Hehe
I had to put my hand
out and say "STOP!"
while we were on our
way to the Hyatt.